The Start of My Unhinged Glow Up Journey

Hey there! Can you believe January is already over? Grabe, ambilis! Usually, I don’t start thinking about resolutions until February rolls around. In my family, the holiday vibes keep going through January, so trying to kickstart anything new feels a little pointless. But here we are, in a fresh month, and I’m ready to make the necessary adjustments.

More Than Just Resolutions This Time Around

Truth be told, my relationship with resolutions is a cliché at this point. Each year’s the same: I start them full of determination and enthusiasm and then, somewhere along the way, I inevitably fall short. It’s a frustrating pattern but I’m determined to change the narrative this time and start being on top of things.

I’m approaching the ‘new year, new me’ thing differently this 2024. It’s not only about setting goals; it’s about creating habits that last. I intend to make these changes a part of my daily routine instead of simply aiming for something. I realized that if I only aim for something, then what’s next when you achieve it, right? So literally, a lifestyle overhaul.

Going Unhinged & Tracking EVERYTHING

With that said, the major change I’ll be making this year is to be as unhinged as I can. I’m tracking everything. And by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I’m not just talking about calories, macros, and my daily steps. I’m going as far as monitoring the vitamins and minerals I consume, tracking my hydration levels, keeping a skin care journal, and yes, even keeping tabs on the number of times I visit the restroom. It doesn’t seem so practical, but here’s the thing:

Why be so meticulous about these metrics? Well, the truth is, I want to gain a deeper understanding of my habits, patterns, and progress. By having this level of detail, I can make informed adjustments to my lifestyle and truly see the impact of my choices. It’s a way for me to have a holistic view of my journey and ensure that I’m making the right choices every step of the way.

Focusing On Weight Loss First

If it’s not clear yet, one of my main goals this year is to lose weight, specifically, to hit at least 60 kg before my birthday this May.  I don’t think I’m really THAT overweight, to be honest, but I’ve noticed some changes that have started to dent my confidence. It’s those subtle differences, like how my favorite clothes fit or how I feel when I see myself in the mirror, that have nudged me to take action. Another goal of mine is to get back into my extensive skincare routine. I’ll discuss this in more detail in the future, as my current focus is on weight loss. However, I also want to keep track of my skincare progress.

Today is Day Zero, and I have taken my starting measurements below. As I aim to be consistent with my workouts this year, I have measured specific body parts that I hope will show improvement and growth over the next few months.

I have also been diligently measuring my weight every day over the past week. The average of these measurements will serve as my starting point, guiding my nutritional strategy. I’ll calculate my calorie intake and macronutrient breakdown for the week, all based on this average weight. My strategy involves tracking my weight daily and then computing the weekly average every Sunday. This approach allows me to make informed, data-driven adjustments to my diet and macros, ensuring that my weight loss journey is as effective and efficient as possible.

To avoid overwhelming myself with tracking, this week (Week 1), I will only track calories, macros, hydration, my steps, and the weights that I lift. My plan is to add more metrics in the following weeks, but I will do further research on those as well.

Why I'm Blogging My Glow Up Journey

I’ve chosen to document my journey here on my blog. It may seem unconventional, but let me explain why. While social media might be the more common route, it often feels like shouting into a void. You know what I mean? Blogging feels different. It’s more personal, more authentic. It’s like having a conversation with friends, rather than broadcasting to a crowd. And not everyone is into blogs anymore, which oddly enough, works in my favor. It allows me to maintain a sense of privacy and comfort while still sharing my progress with those who genuinely resonate with my experiences.

So yeah, that’s it for this first check-in post. I’ll see you next week with my progress report.